Where do you find the sacred?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Almighty

When you are going through life and having a hard time you look to a higher god. I had lost my grandma someone dearly close to me. When I met Jason god had bless me with him. God has put me through rough and tough times but, I have found my way through.

I went to church one day and kept asking god a special question "What should I do with the church group?" God answered and said " Go my child". So I went on my church school retreat and had a blast. That's when I knew I had a special connection with god. That's when I knew I believed in God The Almighty.


  1. Madeline, this is so dear. Such good examples of faith. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks Madeline. I love how your passion for God allows you to be in a relationship with God through the good and the bad.
