Where do you find the sacred?

Friday, May 18, 2012


I never knew you Lord,
Or your love in such great measure.
I'd heard about you as a child
But you were someone else's treasure.
I'd always hoped for more, I hoped you would be true,
When growing up, I'm sure you knew
I was always seeking you.

Teenage cries, confusion reigned, the order of the day.
And all the while, your awesome presence, with me all the way.
Not knowing you're my Saviour; I'd never heard of grace,
I couldn't hear your voice of love, so closely at my face.
I'd always hoped for more, still hoping you'd be true,
Still growing up, I'm sure you knew,
I was always seeking you.

Unsuccessful plans, mistakes were running high,
An adult crying to the Lord; He'll know the reasons why.
I heard about you in that book, when I was but a child,
I wanted to know this Jesus, so kind and meek and mild.
I'm so grateful for your word, in You I've come alive,
My heart you've filled with gladness, and joy has filled my eyes.
I'm glad I hoped for more, and now I know You're true,
When growing up, I never knew
That You would seek me too.

my input: God see's everyone in their day to day issues. But God always loves us for who we are but not who we do.